Outdoor table with large storage space under the table. It can be used as a convenient three-stage storage shelf if you put it in the cargo compartment of the car as it is. Even when camping, you can clean up your tent site by storing camping gear and accessories that tend to be cluttered.
- Brand: DOD
- Compact storage
- 4 level height adjustment
- 30kg load capacity
- Side lock to ensure unwanted folding and increase stability
- Side pocket for easy access and item storing
- Front and rear retractable storage
- Size: W60×D100× H80.5/69/55.5/44cm
- Storage size: W60×D50×H6.6cm
- Weight: (including accessories)(Approx.) 6.1kg
- Material: Frame: Aluminum Alloy Fabric Part: Polyester Top Plate / Shelf: MDF
- Stationary load bearing: Top part: 30kg Storage part: 5kg

Large-capacity storage that keeps the tent site clean
A large storage space is placed under the table. You can clean the table in the camp where camping gear and tableware tend to be cluttered. There are a total of 4 fasteners in the storage space before and after the table, so you can easily take out the contents.

Good rack function that becomes a shelf in the car
You can use the table as a shelf by adjusting the top plate to an appropriate height and putting it in the luggage compartment of the car. You can store 3 levels by using the storage part of the table, and 2 levels by removing it. * Depending on the size of the luggage compartment, it may not be usable as a shelf. Please check the luggage compartment size of your car before purchasing.